As one of the longest living US Veterans diagnosed with 100% PTSD related disabilities, Frank Romeo embraced his trauma and made it his life’s mission to educate others.
About Frank Romeo, Activist, Veteran Advocate and PTSD educator joins Ask a CEO

Frank Romeo is one of the longest living veterans diagnosed with 100% PTSD related disabilities, 50 years. For the past 30 years Frank has been traveling the country advocating and educating people about this socially crippling disease. At age 70, to shed more light on today’s issues, Frank gave up his worldly life and declared himself homeless and registered with the “Homeless Coalition” as a homeless veteran. Frank walked 750 miles from shelter to shelter living in homeless shelters and eating in soup kitchens while documenting the stories of our homeless community. His findings are the bases of the film “Walk With Frank”. Frank “connects the dots” between mental health, suicide ideation, and our homeless community.
"Walk With Frank" is the 50 year story of PTSD as told by Frank and the amazing people he met on his journey.
"Walk With Frank" is the 50 year story of PTSD as told by Frank and the amazing people he met on his journey.