Gregg Schor is the chief executive officer of Protegrity Advisors (, which is a leading provider of M&A advisory services to family run and closely held companies, as well as the chairman of CMM International (, which acts as a single point of contact for managing the US and international legal services needs of corporations. He has over 20 years of experience managing legal, corporate development, mergers and acquisitions, human resources, and related services for organizations of all sizes. Gregg has previously held senior management positions at technology companies that have been acquired by IBM, Microsoft, and EMC, including Deputy and General Counsel, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, and Director of European Operations.
Before going in-house, Gregg began his career as a trial attorney in New York City. He received a J.D. from St. John's University School of Law and a diploma on International and Comparative Law for study in Russia and Poland from the University of San Diego School of Law. Gregg is a member of the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.