What was the best business book you have read?
Answer: “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek. Whenever I begin to consider new avenues for Moxxie I always go back to the ideals in this book which are Why am I doing this? and What is my greater purpose? Continually keeping my mission in focus is key to producing a consistent brand, establishing credibility and being recognized as an expert and leader in my field.
What is a core passion or peeve of yours – in life or in business?
Answer: I have always been passionate about women’s rights and leadership. My mother served as a strong role model. She was born in 1927 and went to college when this was very uncommon for women. My mother always stood her ground and got what she wanted from people without ever criticizing them or their work. I put that philosophy into practice and try to instill this into the young women we mentor. There is no reason to back down from what you deserve and aspire to – but it must be done correctly and with respect for others.
If you could have one do over on your road to success what would it be?
Answer: I would be more involved at a younger age – with lots of things. I was very naïve when I went away to college and didn’t take advantage of opportunities that were afforded me. I realized late in life that I could have accomplished more by taking part in different activities and opening up to things that were not in my comfort zone.
In terms of style describe the way you manage?
Answer: I always describe Moxxie as a women’s business community. It is not a monarchy with myself as the sole commander. People want to feel connected, that they matter and that their opinions count. As the leader, it is up to me to set the tone and direction of Moxxie while offering our members, mentors and mentees the ability to participate in decisions that affect them.
I always remember a piece of advice I received as a young mother regarding decision-making and self-esteem for young children. Select three clothing choices for your child and allow them to make the final choice. It results in an appropriate outfit for the occasion and allows the child to feel that they are deciding something for themselves. This basic concept can be applied to any organization.
As companies grow or mature how would you keep things from becoming “institutionalized”, mechanical or stale?
Answer: I believe that Moxxie must continually strive to develop and progress. Our world is so different than it was ten, five or even two years ago. We will never be done because the world, business and society is ever evolving. The young women we mentor are so advanced in technology – it really is second nature to them. I may be getting older but our mentees will always be ages 20-33 so it is necessary to stay connected and relevant to this generation.
In the overall scheme of thing how important would company culture be and why.
Answer: Company culture is the reason people stay and leave jobs. It is also the way companies interview these days. Having the credentials is not enough to get a job or succeed in it. You need to fit into the culture authentically without losing yourself.
About Beth Meixner

In 2012, Beth established Moxxie Mentoring Foundation, Inc - a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation whose mission is to support and develop the career advancement and leadership development of young women through mentoring.
Prior to Moxxie Network, Beth was the Director of Sales & Marketing for Target Group Media, Beth was pivotal in developing successful branding strategies and cooperative marketing campaigns for an extensive list of notable clients including Donald Trump. After presenting in the infamous Trump Boardroom, Beth and her team were awarded the contract to design TrumpOnTheOcean.com.
After receiving a BS from SUNY Oneonta and an MBA from Adelphi University, Beth's career in sales, marketing and management has crossed-over multiple business sectors. Her distinctive branding, broad networking expanse and high-energy have established Beth as one of the area's most respected and dynamic business leaders. She has been profiled in various publications, been a guest on numerous radio stations and internet TV shows, been a speaker or panelist for numerous events and received awards for leadership from several organizations.