Roslyn Goldmacher

What was the best advice you ever received and how did it shape the way you manage? Answer: An early mentor of mine was a successful business owner. He advised me to hire people “better than me, people who had tal [...]

Rob Basso

What would you tell an up and coming executive about running a successful company? Answer: Running a successful company is not just about the sales of your product or service. It is just as much about the people you [...]

Jeffrey Bass

What was the best advice you ever received and how [...]

James Webster

What was the best advice you ever received and how did it shape the way you manage? Answer: I’m always trying to learn from other business owners/CEO’s/Etc. Besides books, life experiences and asking questions i [...]

Jennifer Cona

Do you see yourself as a strategic or operational leader and why? Answer: I see myself as both. I am very hands-on operationally. I run a tight ship, which has allowed our firm to grow and prosper. At the same time, [...]