As seen in Forbes Agency Council

Working with speed is a concept that can be both inherent and learned. A sense of purpose, coupled with energy, concentration and quick responses are character traits that are invaluable in an employee, a process and production. The ability to work in an expeditious fashion is not only about producing more and more each day. It is also about not lollygagging, procrastinating or just having a laissez-faire attitude. The question is: Can a sense of urgency be taught without being draconian?

I believe that urgency can be taught. Just as with every other educational process, the why needs to be expressed, demonstrated, reinforced, encouraged and ultimately enforced if necessary.

Urgency is necessary not only in production settings but, more importantly, to staff functions and customer-facing interactions.

Let’s start with the front office. A call comes in from a client who has a question needing some checking. How quickly do they get their answers? Do the employees know that it is their responsibility to be as expeditious as possible getting back to the client? Is there a process in place that tells the employee the timeframe for responding? Is it a half-hour, one hour, two hours? Has this expectation been communicated across the staff?

Employees and staff who have a natural sense of urgency do not need to be told; they will exceed guidelines because it comes naturally to them. They understand someone is relying on them to answer their questions. They have inherent respect that people depend on them. Holding those members out as examples to the rest can be counterproductive and cause internal strife. Instead, the scenarios should be used as positive anecdotes and the right way to do things. It is not necessary to say “Mary or John get it, and the rest of you should, too.”

Urgency says that clients’ time is valuable and should not be wasted. Interactions should be complete, correct and take as little time as possible. From taking orders to answering billing questions, providing shipping and any other issue being expeditious is much appreciated by clients.

“Mr. Jones, I don’t want to keep you on the phone while I get you the answer you need, so may I call you right back or send you an e-mail with the information?” Getting back in a timely fashion — as soon as possible and practical — gives the client confidence that you are really concerned but, more importantly, that you are competent and professional.

Even emails require a sense of urgency, especially if you are mired in an endless stream of emails. Letting emails sit in your inbox for interminable periods of time is not a practice you want to have. Treat emails like phone calls. Pick up, listen to the contents and answer — even if it is to say you got the message and will respond by X.

Production processes communicate the necessary level of urgency in the different forms of work, especially when one portion of the production needs to be handed off to the next in line. Knowing that you are responsible to get the work moving toward a good outcome requires at least a modicum of deliberate haste. Being late with a deliverable is unacceptable. Process hates lateness; it gums up the workings and affected deadlines. Late handoffs create gaps, wasted time and anxiety. This is where the process needs to be clear, state timeframes and next steps. You are building a sense of urgency into the process once everyone knows those times. Training across all departments will help instill the urgency that the agency and the clients need.

Remember Mary and John who get urgency? Watch them, study them, talk to them, build your processes around the way they conduct their work. Clone them as best you can.