Originally published 05/17/2017; updated 10/16/24

The Major League Baseball season is at full speed; teams are jockeying for position in a meaningful way.

The power hitters are swinging for the fences. A very exciting thing to watch when they give one a ride over the outfield fence. The strength, timing and distance are all seemingly beyond the ability of us mere mortals. If only the percentage of those home runs were higher. Even the best hitters strike out numerous times.

As a business, it is not necessarily a bad thing to go after those ‘big’ accounts or sales. However, the question is ‘can you stand all the strikeouts you will experience on the way to that one elusive home run.

I have always been a fan of “small ball,” getting as many singles and doubles as I can get on the field and in business. I am aware that singles and doubles don’t always win the game but they sure as heck keep you in it. Putting runners on base is the multiplier when a home run goes out of the park.

Legendary New York Yankee, Derek Jeter, whose #2 was retired in 2017, was a master of “small ball.” He took what the pitches he saw allowed him to do. Over his twentyyear career, his stats support his ability to produce results. In 11,195 trips to the plate, he produced an incredible 3,465 hits—only 260 of which were home runs. That equates to 7.5 home runs for every 100 times at bat or 7.5 percent. A prodigious record for sure, earning him an induction into the Hall of Fame.

Taking the Jeter analogy to the business side, remember you are doing two things at once; building a client base with the ‘small ball’ that will give you a chance to see more pitches and elevate your ability to swing for the fences and score more business when the opportunity arises.

By building your customer list you have the opportunity to expand not only your sales revenue, but you are also adding to your referral network of satisfied clients. Satisfied clients and customers can quite often be the vehicle that brings you the major account. That would be a home run. You can wait a long time for that perfect pitch over the middle of the plate; take what the market gives and get those singles and doubles. There may be a triple or two as well.

So ‘small ball’ equals client headcount which equals larger and more fruitful referrals, in turn, equals more sales and revenue.

This is how the game of business is won. Play Ball!