Commentary on the Political landscape

As the 2022 midterm elections near, the volume of rhetoric from all sides is building.

Both sides claim the other, “hates America and doesn’t care about the citizens.”  The divide between the parties, even within the parties, is a roadblock to progress.

However, that does not keep the candidates from raising tons of money in hopes of gaining an advantage.  The combined spend on election campaigns could support a small country.

In fact, as I write this, the mailing division of my company is processing almost seven million pieces of political mail over the next month and it’s just the beginning.

Identity politics, agendas, pandering, and promises will attract or repel voters.  Candidates walk a fine line, trying to hit the sweet spot between positive messaging and an outright negative attack.

I remember when the country was lucky enough to have statesmen who could disagree yet compromise for the good of the people.  Perhaps it was the horse trading that went on behind closed doors.  “If you support my bill, I will get you the money to build that new Post Office.” Or conversely, “If you vote against this bill, I will support your bill tomorrow.”  That seemed to work better than today’s obstinance and stonewalling.

Each party, even factions within each party, will not budge on most issues.  Of course, the party holding most of the power is driving the bus, while the loyal opposition is trying to keep it from running off the rails.  In politics, standing for something in the past does not anchor you.  Flip-flopping is an artform.  Mostly politicians never explain their position changes, they just ignore previous stances.  An obvious example: President Biden campaigned on curtailing fossil fuels in favor of green energy. Today, as oil and gas prices skyrocket, he blames the fossil fuel industry.

Key takeaway:  Hold your representatives to their campaign promises. If you do not, you may have wasted your vote.  Party line voting is dangerous and can bite you in the bottom.  Assess the candidate seeking your support.  Ask specific questions, do not accept word salad answers, follow up if the response is unclear, have a real conversation.  You are searching for a level of sincerity that aligns with your vision and needs.  You are searching for the character of a statesman and not an agenda driven hack looking for power.

Good luck in November and God Bless America.