Is it possible to make sense of the carnage wrought by mass shootings?

Mass shootings are such a horrific occurrence and, sadly, they have been with us for decades.

The first recorded mass shooting in a school was March 28, 1891.  It was quickly followed by the second such event on April 9, 1891.  Fortunately, those did not include any deaths, but scores of children injured, some very seriously.

Fast forward to a mere few days ago to witness the recent shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.  Repeating the death toll is gut wrenching—almost two dozen. Two teachers and nineteen 4th graders.  The youth and innocence of the children quickly overshadowed the Buffalo shooting at a supermarket only days before that took ten lives.

The list of mass school shootings is too long, but several are burned into our memory: Sandy Hook, Texas Tower, Columbine, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech, and Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School.

As is always the case, the media and the many talking heads try to convey the news but are forced to use words like “we think,” “perhaps,” “sources say,” “I suppose” as caveats that cover their lack of information or facts.

Eulogies, especially those given by politicians, become muddied with agenda statements about gun control either for or against.  This writer cringed at such behavior.  The little ones were still in the crime scene when our President used his words to push for gun control.  Inappropriate is the kindest I can come up with.

Many believe that such evil happenings are an American phenomenon. Not so.  It didn’t take much research to find out that mass shootings are international.  A few to note with multiple deaths; Rio De Janeiro (2011), Azerbaijan (2009), Norway (2011), Finland (2007), and even Russia (2021) and many others.

One is left wondering how such evil has been exercised against mankind, in particular schools and students.  Could it be that schools are soft targets with very little real deterrence or protection? Could it be that the shooters are for the most part mentally ill? Or (possibly if you are a more spiritually inclined person) possessed by Satan’s demons?

After the fact we can see that the majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by post pubescent males mostly in their late teens or early twenties.  Background checks for such young men are ineffective for the most part and totally useless for detecting someone suffering from mental illness.  I read an online post that said, “Crazy people should not be allowed to buy guns.” The answer is absolutely not, but ask yourself this question “What does crazy look like?”

I appreciate that everyone would love to figure out how to stop mass shootings from recurring. Harden soft and inviting targets, especially schools.  Intercept and identify persons entering the building.  Use a minimum number of entryways and have trained and armed officers on premises at all times. Maybe not foolproof but a good start if we are serious about saving lives.