During the second and third weeks of self-quarantine, social distancing and remote working edicts,
Lorraine Gregory Communications conducted a digital poll via a Constant Contact email.

Taking the pulse of those working remotely captured a cross section of industries and job titles. 217
respondents answered 10 questions ranging from their ability to perform their jobs remotely, to how
many in their company were working remotely, a self-assessment of their individual effectiveness, use
of video tools, etc.

In one week’s time we gathered the results and reviewed the answers to give a peek into what and how
our fellow business colleagues are doing under the terrible crisis conditions.

The industries represented in the result were a 43% mixed bag of education, marketing, Nonprofits,
business services and the trades. Professional services (legal, accounting, consulting) made up 23% of
the respondents followed by technology at 15%. In the single digits were financial services, retail and
insurance industries.

No surprise that a full 81% of respondents were working remotely. Only a handful identified they had a
home office. From that I can imagine many kitchen or dining room tables conscripted as a home office

In terms of company employees sent to work from home, 61% reported that their company was
shuttered and 100% of the employees were remote. Those reporting 50% or less working remote were
designated or partially designated as essential or trades.

Every respondent believed that they were experiencing “a little” or “some effect” on their individual
effectiveness as opposed to being at the office. The impact was felt with starting work on time, personal
performance levels, the ability to communicate in general and maintaining client satisfaction.
The SaaS video software providers are reaping a hay day with almost 70% of survey takers responding
they are employing a video service in at least one or more aspects of their job.

When asked which method of communication they used with clients, email far eclipsed the other
choices at 63%. Phone calls followed at 20%. It was interesting that even with such a large group
claiming they used video in their remote work that it was not heavily utilized with clients. In fact, video
and conference calls were in the single digits as was the use of text messages.

Individuals were very honest when assessing their performance levels. They admitted they were less
than 100% when comparing their at office abilities. The universal estimate was they felt they could claim
a 75% report card. Not one respondent felt they was just as productive remotely as they were in the

Keeping up to date with the COVID19 crisis information was achieved by a mix of media outlets led by
Cable News and Broadcast stations being utilized by 55% to 65%. Digital newspapers were well
represented at around 50%. There was a small cadre that claimed they got their crisis information from
online blogs.

When asked about how they monitored business information daily, the old gray lady, the New York
Times took first place with 41%. Newsday followed with 39%, Fox Business at 31%. The Wall Street

Journal, Long Island Business News and MSNBC had responses between 25% and 29%. Surprisingly
Bloomberg trailed at 17%.

Sadly, and I am sure this number will increase dramatically, over 53% stated that someone from their
personal or business life was COVID19 positive.

It is clear from the results that business and professional people, although not showing up at the office
or sitting at their desks, take remote work seriously.

Remote work is nothing new to many, but for the vast majority working outside of the office is taking a
bit of getting used to. The more time goes by the more organized and effective work at home will
become. As the WFH phenomenon plays out it is yet to be seen how much it will change the way of
business in general.

A subsequent survey is scheduled for two weeks from now to once again take the pulse of those exiled
from the office.